Tuesday, December 7, 2010

more shells

I finished my first ink wash shell drawing today and i am fairly happy with it. The previous shell drawing i posted isn't mine actually, i just really like it and i am trying to model my own shell drawings after that style. The ink took a long time to apply! alot longer than i had imagined, and it takes a long time to build up the layers to get the desired darkness and texture. i love how the layers look once they are all on top of each other and gives the drawing character and life. i am looking forward to the final shell drawing so that i can take what i've learned from this one and put it into practice. i think my shell drawings have gotten continuously better as the semester has progressed and i have learned so much about contour lines and line variety, it will forever help me in my studio art career. i think that my drawing experience will also carry over into my paintings as i get my degree. i want to explore more life drawing a some point in my life, or maybe i will pursue it on my own who knows. i have enjoyed seeing everyone else's work in class today, compared to mine i need to get my ink washes a little bit darker, and not be so shy with the ink. we are almost done lerning about all of the sections of the body, except for the head, that is in drawing 2.. which i don't think i'll be taking. but it has been super helpful to go through all the different area of the body in such length and it will stick with me for a long time to come!


  1. The back part of the shell was done nicely, having less detail and smoother look. You could try to put more details or stronger shading in the front to make it pop more.

  2. i think this is your best shell drawing. the receding points are beautiful.

  3. This shell drawing is really really nice. you said previously that you couldn't get a drip that was satisfactory. I think the lack of drip works with your clean execution. I like how this turned out. good job. :)
